Saturday, 25 February 2012

Why I love my friends

This is a random post but here goes. My friends are definitely some of the most important people in my life.

1. They get me. They put up with my weirdness and craziness.

2. They are so much fun to be around. They know how to make me laugh and smile like no one else. Whenever I feel down, I can definitely count on them to make me feel better.

3. They are freaking hilarious! We honestly laugh so much when we catch up. I end up in laughter-induced tears more often than not.

4. They give the best advice and are supportive of me no matter what.

5. They have seen me at my best and also my worst. The fact they have stuck around means a lot.

6. They are amazing and lovely and wonderful and fun and great and special and fantastic and perfect in every single way!

These are all of the reasons I can think of right know. I know it isn't many, but it is all I can manage in my sleep-deprived state. It is currently 12:03am here in Sydney and I have been up since 8am so I think I better turn in soon.

Back to the point, my friends mean absolutely everything to me. They are my rocks and I love them for that. You guys know who you are, and if you are reading this (which I hope you are) then believe me when I say that you are absolutely incredible and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you all so much  ♥

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