I spent the day up at my cousins farm which is a couple of hours up the coast from Sydney. We got up there on the 24th and the weather was looking pretty miserable but thank goodness it didn't stay that way! It probably got up to about 30 degrees Celsius, which is about 86 degrees Fahrenheit. We ate outdoors and went swimming with the cousins which was so much fun. I only swam for a bit and sunbaked for the rest of the time and I have the sunburn to prove it! My shoulders are quite red (my left more than the right because it got sunburnt on the drive up. I don't even know how that is possible, but it happened) but my back is probably the worst. It's all red except for the line where my bikini top was and then there is this vertical white patch that goes from my shoulders to just below my waist from where my hair was.
Personally, I see this sunburn as an indicator of a good christmas. Australian christmases are so different compared to European and North American christmases (except Hawaii) which is why I love them so much. We spend our time outside, usually in a pool rather than indoors around a fire. We also experience heat waves, rather than cold snaps and snow storms around Christmas time. However, as much as I love Christmas here, I really want to have a proper, perfect white Christmas one day. I was in London for Christmas once, but it doesn't count as white as it didn't snow (:
I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas with your families and I wish all of you the very best for 2012!
All my love,
Phoebe xo